More important then you know.
Prep & After Care
How to prepare for your tattoo
1. Before you head in for you tattoo, be sure you eat a full meal. Tattooing is very taxing on you body and you sugar levels will drop. A good meal will insure your comfort and keep you from fainting. If you have a long sitting ahead of you bring a sweet drink or some hard candy to suck on. Stay away from caffeine drinks. They will just intensify your sensitivity to pain
2. Wear clothes you don't mind getting ruined. The inks will stain and it dose not wash out. Be healthy, if you are sick reschedule your appointment. Getting tattooed is a trauma to you body and you will just feel sicker when your done. Plus we don't want to get what ever you might have.
3.Be well hydrated. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water the week before your tattoo. Well hydrated skin is much easier to tattoo.
After Care Instructions for Your Tattoo
We will bandage your tattoo after completing it. The reason for this is to protect your tattoo from anything that could happen (people touching it, etc.) while you are out in public. You can remove the bandage when you get home, but re-wrap before bed to protect your tattoo and your bed sheets.
First thing you do before you ever touch your tattoo is WASH YOUR HANDS!!! When you remove your bandage, do so slowly. If the bandage sticks to the tattoo, get in the shower and let the water soak the bandage. This will help the bandage separate from the tattoo for easy removal.
Gently wash the tattoo with a mild, unscented soap and warm water. Dial Antibacterial soap is recommended. NEVER use bath towels or washcloths to wash or dry your tattoo. They harbor bacteria even if they are clean. Paper towels are fine to use to pat dry your tattoo; never rub. Air-drying is best.
A after washing your tattoo, apply a thin layer of any quality unscented lotion. Repeat washing and applying lotion to your tattoo 4 times a day for the first 4 days. After 2-3 days, your tattoo may scab up and start to peel. LEAVE IT ALONE! DON’T PEEL OR SCRATCH YOUR TATTOO.
After 2-3 days, you can just wash your tattoo when you take you daily shower. Lightly apply unscented lotion as needed to keep your tattoo moist for the first 3 weeks. Continue applying lotion as needed until the tattoo is completely healed and has stopped peeling. You will know your tattoo is healed when it looks and feels like normal skin. It may still itch a little but don’t scratch it.
· If pimples appear in the area where lotion is applied, DO NOT pop them, Stop using the lotion.
· DO NOT expose your tattoo to direct sunlight until it is fully healed. If so, it may fade your tattoo.
· DO NOT use sunblock until your tattoo is completely healed!
· DO NOT go swimming, at all, until your tattoo is completely healed!
· DO NOT scratch your tattoo. Slap it if it itches.
· Do not pick any scabs that may form; they will fall off on their own Picking them will result in discoloration and/or scarring.
If you have any questions about your new tattoo, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Most of all… Enjoy Your Tattoo!!!
Tattoo touch up!
Touch Up Policy
I do touch ups for $20 (to cover the cost of materials used) with in 3 months after the initial tattoo appointment. This is to correct any light spots or fall out that occurred during the healing. Touch ups do not include adding to the tattoo, changing colors or any other modifications. It is only to correct anything that did not heal as originally intended.
In the case of cover ups, if I tell you that you will need a second pass of color once healed to successfully cover the old tattoo, that is not covered as touch up. That is an additional sitting of at lest the minimum rate.